Mission Statement

Ethos Statement.
All Saints’ N. S. is a school which primarily serves the Church of Ireland community of the Mullingar Union of Parishes. It is a four teacher school (mainstream teachers) with Learning Support teachers . The school endeavors to promote the moral, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical and social development of all the pupils in its care.
The school reflects and promotes the Christian ethos and characteristic spirit of the Church of Ireland. The values of honesty, charity, kindness, patience and personal responsibility are encouraged. The school seeks to uphold and express the doctrines, moral teaching, traditions, practices and customs of the Church of Ireland as defined by the General Synod. This distinctive spiritual and moral dimension undergirds and permeates the core values and daily life of the school.
AIMS AND ETHOS – All Saints’ N.S.
1. We aim to create an atmosphere of happiness and warmth in which children are motivated to work and play to the best of their abilities, and to learn to get on with children and staff of both sexes.
2. We aim to offer a broad, balanced curriculum.
3. We believe that children should pursue excellence in all their activities on the principle that “what is worth doing is worth doing well”
4. We aim to treat all children as individuals, with unique talents to be developed.
5. We aim to generate in All Saints’ a sense of vitality, energy, colour, imagination, and a conviction that learning is fun.
6. Success in our terms means children who are open hearted, open-minded and freethinking, who have time to enjoy their childhood but who will be well equipped and eager to make the most of whatever life may have to offer them.
7. We see the encouragement in the pupils of a firm moral code as fundamental.
8. We aim to maintain close links with parents.
All Saints' National School, Church Avenue, Mullingar, Westmeath N91DE70 | Phone: 044 9348206